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Banco do Estado da Índia Em 1º de julho, o Banco do Estado da Índia foi constituído sob o Ato do Banco do Estado da Índia de 1955, com o objetivo de assumir o compromisso e os negócios do Banco Imperial da Índia. O Banco Imperial da Índia foi fundado em 1921 sob o Ato Imperial do Banco da Índia de 1920. O Banco faz negócios bancários em geral de todos os tipos, incluindo divisas estrangeiras, bancos mercantis e fundos mútuos. 1959 - Em setembro, foi aprovada a Lei do Banco do Estado da Índia (Subsidiary Bank). Em outubro, o State Bank of Hyderabad tornou-se a primeira subsidiária da SBI. Durante este período, Banco do Estado de Jaipur, Banco do Estado de Bikaner, Banco do Estado de Indore, Banco do Estado de Travancore, Banco do Estado de Mysore, Banco do Estado Patiala e State Bank of Saurashtra tornaram-se subsidiárias do banco. O Bhor State Bank Ltd foi fundido com o Banco para trazer o número total de bancos menores associados ao Estado, de modo a amalgamado para cinco. Um esquema para a fusão do Banco da Aundh Ltd. também foi aprovado. Em 20 de agosto, o Unit Bank Ltd. Chennai foi comprado pelo Banco. Em outubro, a Branch em Londres tornou-se banqueiros do Alto Comissariado da Índia, assumindo assim uma função até então desempenhada pelo escritório do RBI. Dos outros negócios transacionados pela Filial, um aspecto importante eram empréstimos de médio prazo, principalmente para companhias de navegação indianas. Em 8 de novembro, o Bank of Behar Ltd foi fundido. Uma divisão de bancos comerciais foi criada no escritório central para atender às necessidades promocionais do setor corporativo. Durante o ano, o banco introduziu o Plano Perene de Previdência, pelo qual se os depositantes fizerem um pagamento mensal regular de um valor fixo por um período de 84 a 132 meses, tornam-se elegíveis dos 86º e 134º meses respectivamente para obter uma pensão mensal predeterminada. quantia para sempre. A fim de satisfazer todas as necessidades de desenvolvimento das aldeias, incluindo as suas necessidades sociais e culturais, o banco lançou um programa de desenvolvimento rural integrado, destinado a cobrir não só as necessidades de crédito da agricultura e das atividades agrícolas e das indústrias das aldeias, mas também as atividades sociais e habitacionais. . O Banco introduziu o esquema de certificado de depósito sob o qual os certificados de depósito são emitidos por um período fixo mediante pagamento do preço de emissão especificado para o respectivo período de vencimento e o valor nominal correspondente ao preço de emissão acrescido de juros compostos trimestralmente é pago no vencimento. Os certificados são emitidos para o valor nominal de Rs 100, Rs 1000, Rs 10.000 e Rs 50.000 com vencimento após 29,65,84 e 120 meses. Foi criada a célula de investimento não residente, que simplificou as operações de trabalho das secções de investimento não residentes em centros importantes. A SBI lançou o esquema de emprego autônomo, para fornecer trabalho autônomo a jovens desempregados instruídos. Educados jovens desempregados são encorajados a empreender empreendimentos de auto-emprego na indústria, serviços e negócios. O banco presta assistência de reabilitação baseada em necessidades para unidades industriais doentes de grande e médio porte. Durante o ano, a empresa montou um banco de dados de unidades doentes disponíveis para aquisição de unidades saudáveis. Com efeito a partir do dia 26 de agosto, o Bank of Cochin Ltd, com 108 agências, também se amalgama com o Banco. (i) Todas as ações da Capital do Banco Imperial da Índia foram investidas no RBI. O SBI foi registrado com um capital autorizado de Rs.20 crores, e um capital emitido e pago de Rs.562, 50.000 dividido em 562.500 partes de Rs. 100 cada. (ii) Todas as pessoas que em 30 de junho de 1955 foram registradas como detentoras de ações no Banco Imperial da Índia foram pagas pelo Banco da Reserva da Índia. 44,37,500 No. de ações emitidas a um prêmio de Rs 160 por ação. No final do ano, foram atendidas 324 unidades doentes, com um saldo de Rs 1069 crores. Destes, 107 unidades foram consideradas viáveis ​​e 60 foram colocadas sob programa de enfermagem regular. Em 1 de agosto, uma nova subsidiária chamada SBI Capital Market estava funcionando de forma independente, assumiu negócios de leasing e alguns outros novos serviços. 100,00,00 Nº de ações emitidas em uma prem. de Rs 160 por ação. Até o final do ano, o banco patrocinou 30 Bancos Rurais Regionais, cobrindo 66 distritos atrasados ​​e sub-bancários do país. Em termos de implantação, a carteira de adiantamentos de escritórios no exterior subiu para Rs 5.767 crores. Os investimentos em mercados monetários interbancários e também em títulos de primeira linha totalizaram Rs 2.670 crores até o final do ano. Durante o ano, o banco iniciou a UPTECH, um Grupo de Tecnologia Industrial, para dirigir e orientar programas destinados a facilitar a atualização tecnológica. Também foi lançado um esquema para desenvolver o empreendedorismo entre mulheres sob o nome Stree Shakti. Várias concessões em relação à margem e à taxa de juros foram incorporadas ao pacote. Três programas pilotos foram lançados em Chennai, Calcutá e Hyderabad. No dia 20 de setembro, o banco inaugurou o SBINET, um projeto de comunicação integrada que visa melhorar o atendimento ao cliente, a eficiência operacional e a conveniência administrativa. A rede foi projetada para lidar com dados de voz e fax e gerencia as rotas e trocas de troncos em centros importantes. O banco patrocinou 30 RRBs cobrindo 66 divisões no país. Foram abertas 74 agências, elevando a rede de agências para 2.306. SBICAP, na sua qualidade de administrador e gestor de fundos mútuos, lançou dois esquema viz. Mangnum Monthly Income Scheme 1989 e Magnum Tax Service Scheme 1990. Durante o mesmo período, a SBI, em associação com a Morgan Stanley Asset Management Inc. dos EUA, lançou o India Magnum Fund. Os novos produtos lançados durante o ano incluíram um Regime de Rendimento Regular, oferecendo um retorno garantido superior a 12 e o primeiro Programa de Crescimento Puro, visando a valorização do capital. Um segundo fundo offshore de US $ 12 milhões, chamado Asian Convertible e Indian Fund, foi lançado em associação com o Asian Development Bank, Manila. Durante Kharif, em 1990, o banco introduziu um cartão de crédito agrícola, conhecido como SBI Green Card, para dar maior liquidez e flexibilidade aos agricultores na aquisição de insumos agrícolas. O esquema foi introduzido em uma base piloto em 125 ramos centrais intensivos. Em 31 de março, o SBIMF tinha mais de 3,40 mil investidores indianos e cerca de Rs 475 crores por meio de fundos domésticos investíveis. 50,00,000 No. de ações emitidas em um prem. de Rs 160 por ação. 1991 - Durante o mês de fevereiro, o banco criou uma nova subsidiária chamada SBI Factors and Commercial Serviced Pvt. Ltd. para prestar serviços de factoring às unidades industriais e comerciais no oeste da Índia. O banco patrocinou 30 RRBs com uma rede de 3189 escritórios abrangendo 102 distritos atrasados ​​e sub-bancados do país. Uma soma de Rs 15,25 crores foi contribuída para o capital social das RRBs. Durante o período, o banco apresentou o esquema Stockinvest. Também introduziu um Gyan Jyoti que substituiu os esquemas de empréstimo de educação anterior e oferece substancial assistência aumentada para os estudantes que buscam estudos superiores. Além disso, foram criadas filiais NRI dedicadas equipadas com tecnologia de ponta em Mumbai e Nova Deli para atender às necessidades especiais dos residentes da NRI. Durante o ano, como parte de sua expansão no exterior, o banco estabeleceu um escritório de representação em Tashkent. Durante o mês de dezembro, o banco emitiu 124.000.000 de ações de Rs.10, cada uma a um prêmio de 90 por ação, das quais 245.00.000 de ações cada foram reservadas preferencialmente para Instituições Financeiras Indianas e Fundos Mútuos Indianos. Saldo emitido para o público. Simultaneamente, saiu com uma outra emissão de 50.000.000 de 12 títulos de taxa flutuante resgatáveis ​​sem garantia, na natureza das notas promissórias do valor nominal de 1000 cada. Oversubscription em cima de uma quantia adicional de Rs 500 crores (em todos os Rs 1000 crores) deveria ser permitido. O valor nominal de cada título seria resgatado ao par no prazo de 10 anos a contar da data de colocação. No caso de o Banco do Estado decidir exercer sua opção de chamar os títulos, eles serão resgatados à taxa de 5 ao final do 5º ano, aos 3 ao final do 7º ano e 1 ao final do 9º ano. Propôs-se a emissão de ações de capital próprio de Rs.10 cada, a um ágio de Rs.50 por ação na proporção de 3: 5. Além disso, outras 120.00.000 ações de Rs.10 cada uma seriam emitidas com um prêmio de Rs.50 por ação para os funcionários em uma base equitativa. 250 unidades doentes com o banco foram encaminhadas para o BIFR, incluindo 31 unidades do setor público. Pacotes de reabilitação aprovados sendo implementados em 85 unidades e 41 foram recomendados para serem encerrados. O banco continuou a ser nomeado como agência operacional e os pacotes de reabilitação foram submetidos ao BIFR em 48 casos. Ações de capital próprio subdivididas. 1418,50,000 No. de ações de patrimônio de Rs. 10 cada emitido em um prem. de Rs 90 por ação para o público. Outro 1319,78,726 partes de Rs 10 cada oferecido em um prem. de Rs 90 por ação em direitos e para empregados. 358 unidades doentes com o banco foram encaminhadas para o BIFR, incluindo 55 unidades do setor público. Pacotes de reabilitação aprovados implementados em 87 unidades. O número de ações mantidas em suspenso foi de 1,80,463. 351 unidades doentes com o banco foram encaminhadas para o BIFR, incluindo 66 unidades do setor público. Pacotes de reabilitação aprovados implementados em 112 unidades. 683 No. de ações mantidas em suspenso foram alocadas. Em 3 de outubro, o Banco emitiu 261.455.000 GDRs no valor de 5,22,90,000 ações ordinárias. 1 GDR é emitido para 2 ações de capital. O preço de emissão da RDA foi de 14,15 dólares por GDR. Ações emitidas para funcionários do banco com números distintivos 46,26,00,001 para 47,46,00,000 não será boa entrega. A emissão de direitos foi para ações de capital de 12 crore a um ágio de Rs.50, agregando Rs.720 crore, além de uma emissão adicional de ações de 1,2 crore de Rs.10 a um prêmio de Rs.50, agregando Rs.72 crore para State Funcionários do banco. O preço dos direitos foi de Rs.60 por ação. Depois da SBI Capital Markets, o banco de desenvolvimento asiático, sediado em Manila, adquirirá 15% de participação acionária na nova subsidiária de corretagem de ações do State Bank of India, que entrará em operação em meados de 1997. O saldo de 85 por cento será subscrito pelo SBI. A SBI Securities Ltd, subsidiária de 100% da SBI, recebeu recentemente a tão esperada carta de incorporação do Registro de Empresas. Depois disso, tanto a SBI quanto a ADB irão recolher suas respectivas ações na nova empresa corretora. O SSL terá uma base de capital de Rs.50 crore. O Banco do Estado da Índia se uniu à GE Capital para fazer um empreendimento em Mumbai. O State Bank assinou o memorando de entendimento com a GE Caps em março. O State Bank compromete-se com VISA ou Mastercard ou até com ambos para a rede de franquias. A GE Caps através desta joint venture estará transmitindo tecnologia, experiência em cartões de crédito e mecanismo de cartão de pagamento. O Banco da Reserva da Índia orientou a SBI a criar uma instalação de 300 milhões de espera para a corporação indiana de petróleo. O Banco do Estado da Índia (SBI) assinou um contrato com a National Securities Depository Ltd (NSDL) para desmaterialização de suas ações. Além disso, a SBI também se tornou detentora de participação acionária na NSDL até a extensão de 4,76. SBI Commercial e International Bank, tornou-se o primeiro banco do setor público do país a introduzir instalações de disco óptico (OD) para armazenamento de dados. O State Bank of India iniciará seu negócio de cartão de crédito em 1º de julho, através da flutuação de duas joint ventures com a GE Capital. O maior intermediário financeiro do país assinará o contrato de joint venture com a GE Caps na última semana de janeiro. O Banco do Estado da Índia, em 27 de janeiro, deu início à sua incursão no negócio de cartões de pagamento com um contrato de joint venture com a gigante de serviços financeiros sediada nos EUA, General Electric Capital Corporation (GE Capital). O Banco do Estado da Índia (SBI) assinou em 24 de junho um acordo exclusivo com o maior sistema de pagamento do mundo - Visa International - para cartões de pagamento na Índia. O acordo foi assinado em Mumbai entre o diretor administrativo da SBI, Sr. O P Sethia, e o gerente geral e vice-presidente executivo (Sudeste Asiático) da Visa, James G Murray. O Banco do Estado da Índia (SBI) conseguiu o mandato para distribuir o empréstimo de 120 milhões para a National Thermal Power Corporation (NTPC). O Banco do Estado da Índia (SBI, na sigla em inglês) propõe a contratação do ramo de seguro de vida e seguros gerais quando o setor for aberto. O Banco do Estado da Índia empatou com seus bancos associados para comercializar o cartão SBI. O SBI está ligado ao State Bank of Patiala, em Chandigarh, e ao State Bank of Mysore, em Bangalore, para ajudar a comercializar seu cartão de crédito. A SBI propõe a introdução de um serviço de valor agregado para portadores de cartão, através do qual o cartão de crédito também pode ser usado como um cartão de caixa eletrônico. O Banco do Estado da Índia se unirá ao banqueiro de investimento internacional Credit SuisseFirst Boston e a três bancos do setor público interno para formar um empreendimento de análise de ouro. O Banco do Estado da Índia (SBI) decidiu assumir o SBI Home Finance (SBIHF), com seus ativos e passivos. Tendo a maior participação, a SBI vem avaliando várias opções para resgatar a joint venture que caiu em grandes perdas. O Banco do Estado da Índia (SBI) assinou com a Central Depository Services (I) (CDSIL) para a desmaterialização de suas ações. As ações da SBI já foram admitidas como garantia no National Securities Depository (NSDL). Além disso, a SBI também possui uma participação (Rs 10 cr) no patrimônio da CSDL. Segundo um acordo firmado com o banco de desenvolvimento, o Banco do Estado da Índia (SBI) reduziria sua participação em sua subsidiária de investimentos bancários para menos de 50% até 31 de março. O Banco do Estado da Índia (SBI) firmou um acordo. com Moodys Investor Service e Icra, segundo o qual a SBI adquirirá a participação de 11% da Moodys no Icra caso a empresa de rating global queira sair de seu investimento na Índia. O State Bank of India (SBI) assumiu a liderança em banca de conveniência ao tornar-se o primeiro banco do sector público a oferecer aos titulares de contas de poupança os benefícios de depósitos fixos (taxas de juro mais elevadas) e contas correntes (facilidade de descoberto). O Banco iniciou a expansão de sua rede de caixas eletrônicos nas cidades gêmeas de Hyderabad e Secunderfabad. O Banco tornou-se a primeira instituição financeira de propriedade do governo a se juntar à categoria de empresas que declaram dividendos intermediários. O Banco propôs a emissão de uma emissão privada de obrigações subordinadas, não convertíveis e não garantidas, na forma de notas promissórias de Rs 1 lakh, cada uma agregando Rs 600 crores, com a opção de manter excesso de subscrição de até Rs 40 crores. O Banco lançou o Esquema de Empréstimo de Metal (Ouro) em Coimbatore. Este é o terceiro esquema a ser introduzido pelo SBI. SBI também está formando uma subsidiária - SBI Gold e Precious Metals Pvt. Ltd. com participação acionária de 50%. O Sr. Vepa Kamesam, Director-Geral Adjunto, foi nomeado Director-Geral a partir de 1 de Junho. A diretoria da SBI liberou a criação de uma subsidiária separada para a tecnologia da informação. KC Raut assumiu recentemente o cargo de gerente geral do Banco do Estado da Índia, em Chennai. O Banco tornou-se o primeiro banco do setor público a oferecer empréstimos imobiliários com taxa fixa. O Banco do Estado da Índia empatou com o State Bank of Mysore para lançar cartões de crédito co-branded como parte de sua estratégia de colaborar com bancos associados para expandir sua base de cartões. A Central Depository Services (India) Ltd assinou um contrato com o State Bank of India como seu participante depositário. O Banco do Estado da Índia e o Banco Exim dos EUA assinaram um memorando de entendimento, envolvendo 500 milhões, para apoiar as pequenas e médias empresas ndianas a comprar bens e serviços dos EUA. O Sr. Suresh Kumar Mehra, Diretor de Obreiros, deixou de ser membro do Conselho Central do efeito bancário a partir de 1º de outubro, devido a sua aposentadoria no fechamento do negócio em 30 de setembro. O Banco lançou cartões de crédito internacionais para médicos , a primeira do gênero no país, oferecendo instalações que incluem descontos especiais em equipamentos médicos e empréstimos pessoais da GE em todo o país. O Banco do Estado da Índia introduziu um novo esquema para impulsionar as exportações. A CRISIL atribuiu uma classificação AAA (triple-A) ao programa de títulos de 3.000 crore do State Bank of Indias Rs. O Banco decidiu fechar sua subsidiária integral, a SBI European Bank Ltd. em Londres. O Sr. S. Mukerji, Diretor Geral do banco, se aposentou do banco em 30 de novembro. State Bank of India Fundo Mútuo lançou o Fundo Magnum Gilt, dedicado a investir em títulos do governo. O Banco assinou um memorando de entendimento com a Cardif S. A. para o negócio de seguro de vida em bancos. O Banco introduziu o Programa de Aposentadoria Voluntária para funcionários elegíveis, aberto de 15 de janeiro de 2001 a 31 de janeiro de 2001. O Banco incorporou uma subsidiária SBI Life Insurance Co. Ltd., para fazer negócios de seguro de vida. O Banco irá instalar mais 10 Automated Teller Machines na região nordeste além do já comissionado em Guwahati. O Banco do Estado da Índia lançou mais três caixas eletrônicos em Bangalore. O Sr. Y Radhakrishnan foi promovido para o cargo de diretor executivo do Banco do Estado da Índia. A SBI Cards criou uma célula especial de seguro em Ahmedabad para facilitar as reivindicações dos portadores de cartão da SBI afetados pelo trágico terremoto em Gujarat. A SBI designou a HCL Com Net, com sede em Délhi, para fornecer interconectividade para caixas eletrônicos, o que poderia envolver investimentos de centenas de milhões de dólares. O gerente geral da SBI, Madhav M Mehta, que atualmente é o chefe operacional em Gujarat, foi transferido para seu escritório corporativo em Mumbai como gerente geral (CGM). 3 de julho - anuncia o lançamento do cartão SBI International e do SBI Global Card para viajantes globais na Índia. Cartões SBI International e SBI Gold Cards seriam aceitos em mais de 20 milhões de pontos de venda em todo o mundo e em pontos de venda de um lakh na Índia. O State Bank of India embarcou em um ambicioso programa de modernização tecnológica de 800 milhões de rupias. O banco nomeou a KPMG, consultora em tecnologia de computadores, para fornecer rede de interconectividade para as filiais informatizadas e também para os caixas eletrônicos em todo o país, permitindo que seus clientes realizem qualquer tipo de negócio em qualquer lugar. Power Asia Pacifics 2001 Índice de Satisfação de Vendas da Índia (SSI) e Satisfação do Financiamento ao Consumidor (CFS) O State Bank of India adicionou mais três caixas eletrônicos à sua rede. Os novos caixas eletrônicos foram instalados nas agências SBIs Andheri (oeste), Goregaon (leste) e Borivili (leste) em 22 de setembro. O State Bank of India (SBI) informou à BSE que Shri KJUdeshi, ED, RBI foi indicado na Central Conselho do Banco como candidato do RBI no lugar do Dr. YVReddy, wef 22 de setembro de 2001 sob Sec.19 (f) do SBI Act. Banco estatal da Índia reduziu a taxa de juros em empréstimos para habitação em 0,5 por cento para 12 por cento, a partir de 15 de setembro. Em um movimento significativo, o Banco do Estado da Índia decidiu se distanciar de suas subsidiárias - SBI Capital Markets, SBI Gilts, SBI AMC e Banco Estadual de Crédito e Comércio Internacional. Eles terão autonomia, presidentes independentes e executivos externos no nível de gerência sênior em salários relacionados ao mercado. Atualmente, o presidente da SBI é o presidente ex officio de todas as subsidiárias, incluindo os bancos associados. O novo esquema será voltado apenas para o pessoal da premiação, uma categoria que foi incluída com os oficiais no esquema de aposentadoria voluntária de janeiro de 2001. SBI Cards em 3 de julho, anunciou o lançamento do cartão SBI International e do SBI Global Card para viajantes globais na Índia. - VRS implementado em que cerca de 21.000 funcionários, incluindo executivos, foram autorizados a se aposentar - O Banco cruzou outro marco, fazendo uma incursão bem sucedida em seguros. O SBI é o único banco a ter uma participação no negócio de seguros. A subsidiária de seguros do Banco, a SBI Life Insurance Company, uma joint venture com o Banco Holding 74 e a Cardif S. A., o parceiro Joint Ventures, o saldo 26, foram incorporados para realizar negócios de seguro de vida e pensão. A Cardif S. A. é uma subsidiária integral do BNP-Paribas, que é o maior banco da França e um dos dez maiores bancos do mundo. A Cardif S. A. é a maior empresa de seguros bancários da França. - Os esforços dos bancos para estabelecer uma agência de informações de crédito a nível mundial na Índia culminaram na criação bem-sucedida do Credit Information Bureau (India) Ltd., uma joint venture do Banco com a HDFC Ltd. Dun and Bradstreet Information Services India Pvt. Ltd. e Trans Union International Inc. - Para reduzir o risco e desenvolver um mercado de dívida transparente e ativo em geral e o mercado de títulos do governo em particular, a Corporação de Compensação da Índia Ltd. foi estabelecida em Mumbai com o Banco como o principal promotor. - E K Thakur se demite da diretoria da SBI. Ordem dos sacos - TCS de Rs 500 crore de SBI. - SBI informou que a seguinte alteração nos diretores. 1. Shri A C Kalita, Diretor do Conselho Central do Banco, deixou de ser Diretor do Conselho, 13 de maio de 2002, no termo do seu mandato em 12 de maio de 2002.2. Shri Y Radhakrishnan A Diretora Administrativa GE (CB) renunciou ao cargo de Diretora-Geral em 30 de junho de 2002 e deixou de ser Diretora do Conselho, 01 de julho de 2002. - O State Bank of India informou à BSE que o Sr. DC Gupta IAS Secretary (Setor Financeiro), Ministério das Finanças, Departamento de Assuntos Econômicos, Nova Délhi foi indicado como Diretor do Conselho de Estado do Banco da Índia, com efeito a partir de 17 de julho de 2002, vice SK SK Purkayastha. - O State Bank of India informou à BSE que o Sr. S Govindarajan, Diretor Geral da GE (NB) deixou o cargo de Diretor Administrativo em 31 de julho de 2002 e deixou de ser Diretor do Conselho a 01 de agosto de 2002. Além disso, o Sr. PR Khanna Diretor do Conselho Central do Banco deixou de ser Diretor do Conselho de 20 de agosto de 2002, em conseqüência de sua renúncia. - State Bank of India informou BSE que o banco decidiu fechar SBI Securities Ltd (SBISL), uma subsidiária do banco, seguindo uma diretiva a este respeito do RBI. - O State Bank of India informou que o Governo Central nomeou o Sr. AK Batra, Diretor Gerente Adjunto do Banco do Estado da Índia como Diretor Gerente do Banco do Estado da Índia para o período desde a data de sua posse até 31 de agosto de 2003. PN Venkatachalam, Diretor Gerente Adjunto do Banco do Estado da Índia, foi nomeado Diretor Administrativo do Banco do Estado da Índia para o período desde a data de sua posse até 31 de março de 2004. - O State Bank of India informou que Shri Prithvi Raj Khanna e Shri Kumar Bery foram devidamente eleitos como Diretores de acordo com a Seção 19 (c) da Lei SBI na Assembléia Geral do Estado do Banco da Índia informou que nomeou Ananta Chandra Kalita, como Diretor do Diretoria Central do Banco de entre os funcionários do Banco, que são trabalhadores, por um período não superior a seis meses a partir de 03 de outubro de 2002 ou até que seu sucessor seja nomeado ou até que ele deixe de ser trabalhador empregado do Banco do Estado da Índia, o r até novos pedidos, qualquer que seja o evento anterior aos acionistas do banco realizado em 09 de setembro de 2002. - O State Bank of India informou à BSE que Shri Janki Ballabh, Presidente do Conselho, renunciou ao cargo de Presidente no fechamento do horário comercial. em 31 de outubro de 2002. - Estado do Banco da Índia informou que Smt Vineeta Rai, Secretário (Seguro Bancário), Ministério das Finanças e Assuntos da Empresa, Departamento de Assuntos Econômicos (Divisão Bancária), Nova Delhi foi nomeado como Diretor do Conselho com efeito a partir de 30 de outubro de 2002. - Estado do Banco da Índia informou que o Governo Central, após consulta com o Reserve Bank of India, nomeou Shri AK Purwar, Diretor Adjunto do Banco do Estado como Presidente do Banco do Estado da Índia a partir da data de sua tomada do cargo e até 31 de maio de 2003, ou seja, data de sua aposentadoria ou até novas ordens, o que ocorrer primeiro. Shri AK Purwar assumiu a chefia do Presidente do Banco Estatal da Índia em 13 de novembro de 2002. 2003- O Banco do Estado da Índia (SBI) e a Maruti Udyog Ltd. anunciaram uma iniciativa conjunta destinada a tornar as finanças dos carros acessíveis para as classes média e baixa. clientes. Os clientes terão agora um financiamento automóvel transparente, sem encargos ocultos e penalizações de pré-encerramento, e também obterão as margens dos concessionários, Sr. S. K. Bhattacharya, gerente geral da SBI, disse aos jornalistas. Isso ajudará tanto o banco quanto a Maruti a explorar agressivamente o mercado de Andhra Pradesh, disse ele. SBI oferece facilidade de financiamento, mesmo para o imposto vitalício, seguro e acessórios do veículo. - O Banco do Estado da Índia informou que o Banco nomeou Shri Ananta Chandra Kalita, Assistente Principal, Banco do Estado da Índia como Diretora do Conselho Central do Banco entre os funcionários do Banco, que são trabalhadores por um período de 3 anos. a partir de 15 de julho de 2003 ou até que ele deixe de ser um trabalhador assalariado do Banco ou até novas ordens, o que ocorrer primeiro, desde que ele não mantenha o cargo continuamente por um período superior a seis anos. - Lucro total dos grupos SBI identificado em Rs 3.354 cr em 02 - o Sr. DC Gupta nomeado como Diretor no Conselho da SBI - SBI apresenta plano de atualização de TI com ajuda da KPMG - SBI Cards e Payment Services Private Ltd, subsidiária de cartão de crédito do Estado Bank of India, introduziu recentemente dois novos esquemas - SBI Advantage Card para os clientes de depósitos fixos dos bancos e SBI International Card para seus mutuários de crédito imobiliário - lança um novo sistema de avaliação de crédito voltado para pequenas e médias empresas (SME) para empréstimos de até Rs 25 lakh - SBI seleciona a TCS para executar soluções de trade finance - SBI e ICICI Bank entre os 100 maiores bancos da Ásia em 2001, segundo estudo da Asian Banker Journal - Introduz o SBI Cash Plus, seu cartão de débito Maestro que permite aos clientes acessar suas contas de depósito de caixas eletrônicos e estabelecimentos comerciais - Promove três gerentes gerais (CGM) para os cargos de diretores-adjuntos (DMDs). Eles são: AD Kalmankar, CGM encarregado da Staff College de Hyderabad, AK Das, CGM, Hyderabad e RK Sinha, CGM, Chandigarh - SBI nomeia o Sr. SK Bhattacharya como o novo Gerente Geral para o círculo de Hyderabad - Aumenta sua participação acionária na Desconto e financiamento da House of India Ltd (DFHIL) para 51 - Relaciona-se com a Maruti Udyog Ltd. (MUL) para financiamento de automóveis - Recebe permissão da Autoridade Reguladora e de Desenvolvimento de Seguros (IRDA) para vender produtos de saúde a indivíduos - Aumenta sua participação acionária DFHIL para 55.30 - Inicia novos esquemas Plus de empréstimos como Justice Plus destinados aos juízes e funcionários judiciais, Police Plus para o pessoal da polícia, Teacher Plus para a comunidade de ensino e Doctor Plus para os médicos - Recebe licença RBI para criar operações bancárias offshore unidades (OBUs) em Zonas Econômicas Especiais (SEZs) - Lança o cartão SBI Bangalore destinado a um público-alvo de base ampla na faixa etária de mais de 25 anos, variando de profissionais ascendentes em mobilidade e classe média. segmentos - SBI revela cartão Hyderabad, uma iniciativa exclusiva para os cidadãos de Hyderabad - Ananta Chandra Kalita deixa de ser um diretor da SBI - Christens o empate com a Maruti Udyog Ltd. como SBI-Maruti Finance - Ordens para 1.500 caixas eletrônicos com a NCR Corporation - Orange , a operadora de serviços de telefonia celular do grupo Hutch para o círculo de Mumbai, se une ao State Bank of India para opções de recarga de cartão pré-pago - Ropes na consultoria norte-americana McKinsey Co para realizar o Business Process Re-engineering (BPR) para o banco Lança charter para pequenas indústrias (SSI) - NPA (Non Performing Assets) reduziu para 4,5 pc, escreve Rs 4,000 crore no valor de ativos - incursões no mercado de ações - Preço da ação cruza a marca Rs 400 pela primeira vez desde anúncio sobre BSE - O Sr. AK Batra, Diretor Executivo de Grupo do Banco Corporativo do Banco deixa de ser um Diretor do Conselho com efeito a partir de 8 de julho de 2003 - Planos de um novo esquema para atrair Títulos da Índia Ressurgentes (RIB) - NS Sisodia, S O ecretary (Seguro Bancário), Ministério das Finanças e Assuntos da Empresa, Departamento de Assuntos Econômicos (Divisão Bancária), foi indicado como Diretor no Conselho de Estado do Banco da Índia, que é f. 11 de julho de 2003 - O Sr. Ananta Chandra Kalita, Assistente Principal do Banco do Estado da Índia, nomeou como Diretor do Conselho Central do Banco entre os funcionários do Banco - Tintas dois importantes acordos com seus sindicatos e associações de funcionários. De acordo com o contrato, o pessoal da SBI não terá nenhum direito de interferir nos planos de informatização dos bancos - SBI, AirTel lança serviço de mobilidade em 299 rúpias - o governo central nomeia Arun Singh como diretor do conselho de administração em 25 de julho de 2003. um período de três anos. - Banco estatal da Índia junto com ANZ Investment Bank consumaram 5 anos de empréstimo sindicalizado de 100 milhões para a Indian Petrochemicals Corporation (IPCL) - Abre o acordo de compensação de cheques em Kolkata - Pacto de tintas com Mahindra Mahindra (MM) para o esquema de trator de marca conjunta SBI - Mahindra Tractor Plus - junta-se a Tractores e Equipamento Agrícola Ltd (TAFE) - lança o esquema de seguros em Kerala - Revela o novo produto de crédito bancário de retalho Crédito Khazana, que visa os titulares de contas de empréstimo à habitação - Revela sistema de reserva de bilhetes on-line - Rail - Banco da Reserva da Índia nomeia o Dr. Rakesh Mohan, Vice-Governador, RBI, no Conselho Central do banco - Nomeia o Sr. C. Narasimhan como o Gerente Geral do SBIs Kerala Circle - Unveils Credit Khazana, produto de empréstimo bancário de varejo, para direcionar os bancos titulares de conta de empréstimo de habitação - MRO-TEK Ltd tem garantido State Bank of Indias fim de Rs 15-crore para fornecer soluções de rede de 2Mbps e 64 Kbps linha alugada high-end modems para SBI para conectar mais de 800 filiais em todo o país. - SBI une as mãos com LIC para dentificar propostas de investimento de longo prazo para LIC - Tied com bajaj Auto para financiar suas duas rodas. A SBI concedeu empréstimos de 125 milhões de rupias ao parque Nethaji Apparel para instalar unidades e comprar máquinas para o primeiro lote de 54 fábricas de vestuário no parque de vestuário especial de 65 acres. - O banco tem ligado com a empresa de motor TVS para financiar dois empréstimos de wheeler - Amado com apollo hospital empresa para financiar o tratamento do hospital. - A empresa lançou a instalação de recarga de cartões pré-pagos em seus ATMs - Associou-se ao ICICI Bank e HDFC para compartilhar as redes de ATM 2003 - O Bank entrou em MOU com o ICICI Bank e o HDFC Bank para compartilhar a rede de ATMs com eles em termos bilaterais . - O Governo Central, depois de consultar o Banco Central da Índia, nomeou Shri Chandan Bhattacharya, Diretor-Gerente Adjunto do Banco do Estado da Índia como Diretor Gerente do Banco do Estado da Índia para o período de 17 de dezembro de 2003 a 31 de janeiro de 2005. of India has announced a special package to BSNL employees by allowing concessional interest rates for different types of loans to be availed by the BSNL staff. - Former KCCI President nominated to SBI Bangalore Local Board - State Bank Of India has informed that Reserve Bank of India has nominated Shri A V Sardesai, Executive Director, Reserve Bank of India on the Central Board of State Bank of India vice Dr. Rakesh Mohan. - SBI sets up ATM counter in Ernakulam - Bahrain Monetary Agency (BMA) grants in-principle licence to Statte Bank of India (SBI) - SBI sets up Indias first drive-in ATM in Hyderabad - State Bank of India has entered into an alliance with HDFC Bank for sharing ATM networks to be operationalised from February 3, this year. - SBI unveils new branch in Manjeri - Bank awarded special prize for lending to self help group run by women - SBI unveils floating ATM - State Bank of India appointed six new Deputy Managing Directors on February 11, 2004. The new DMDs are: Mr T. S. Bhattacharya, CGM, Product Development and Marketing, Mr M. M.Lateef, Managing Director, SBI Gilts, Mr Yogesh Agarwal, CGM, Chandigarh, Mr Krishnamurthy, CGM, Madras LHO and Mr R. Ramanathan, CGM, Technology and Mr Vijay Anand, CGM, Corporate Account group. These top level appointments follow the appointment of the new Managing Director for the bank, Mr Chandan Bhattacharya, in December. - GAIL ties up SBI for e-banking system - SBI join hands with Visa for travel card - SBI enters into ATM sharing agreements with UTI Bank HDFC Bank - Signs a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) under which the bank will provide term loans to farmers for purchasing capital inputs from Jain Irrigation Systems Ltd (JISL) - Join hands with Siemens for financing the medical equipments sold by Siemens - Joins hands with VST Tillers to launch SBI-VST Shakti, a new loan scheme for farm mechanisation programme - Unveils Vishwa Yatra foreign travel card, a prepaid card which offers the traveller a convenient and secure way to carry cash - Ties up with Same Deutz-Fahr India for tractor financing - In ally with Sikkim govt to beef up SMEs - The government has chosen State Bank of India (SBI) for channelising government credit to other countries which runs into billions of dollar - SBI opens MICR cheque processing center - Signs MoU with HMT Ltd. for financing their tractors - State Bank of India deploys Flexcub e as core banking solution at Frankfurt - Mr Ashok K. Kini appointed as new Managing Director of State Bank of India with effect from April 1, 2004 to December 31, 2005 - SBI unveils Foreign Travel card in Orissa - ICICI Bank, SBI, LIC in pact for Rs 20,000-cr projects - Reliance Info in ATM pact with SBI - State Bank of India, Bangalore Circle, has announced its tie-up with New India Assurance Company Ltd (NIAC), for distribution of NIACs general insurance products in Karnataka - SBI unveils new credit card in Ahmedabad - State Bank of India joined the billion dollar club - THE State Bank of India opened its 236th branch in the State at Tripunithura on June 16 - SBI inaugurates first Internet shoppe in Kochi - State Bank of India has opened a fully computerised branch at Karunagappally in Kollam district - LT-John Deere Private Ltd has signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with State Bank of India for tractor finance - Buys 10 stake in Multi Commodity Exchange of India Ltd. (MCDEX) for Rs 2 .1 crore - SBI join hands with Hero Honda to unveil co-branded credit card - State Bank of India launched its first mobile ATM for increasing the banking convenience of its customers - State Bank of India has signed a Memorandum Of Understanding (MOU) with the Societe Generale Asset Management of France (SGAM) for inducting Societe Generale Asset Management as a stake holding partner for SBIs mutual fund arm, SBI Fund Management Private Ltd (SBIFMPL) - State Bank of India, (SBI) with a view to expand the ambit of its educational loan schemes, has unveiled a unique educational loan scheme, christened Nursing Plus, for the nursing students of the country - SBI forges alliance with Hero Honda - SBI offers new schemeSchool Plus for schools - SBI Card has launched Instant Card offering customers in need of instant credit opportunity. With this, the customers will get an opportunity to get ready to use credit card within a few hours of filing in their application form - SBI selects Finacle for international ops - SBI enters ATM tie up with Andhra Bank - SBI join hands with LIC for funding infrastructure projects - Tata Motors on December 7, 2004, signs an MoU with State Bank of India (SBI) - SBI partners with Eicher Motors on December 27, 2004 - Raj Travels joins hands with SBI for travel loans - SBI opens branch at Vadakara - SBI join hands with Apollo Health to offer loans - SBI rolls out new loan scheme - SBI opens first branch in Lakshadweep island of Kavaratti - SBI enters into agreement for bilateral sharing of ATMs with PNB on May 10, 2005 - SBI signs MOU with Corporation Bank for ATM sharing - State Bank of India and 8 associate banks have entered into an agreement with Bharat Petroleum Corporation Ltd (BPCL) for enhancing card usage at fuel stations - SBI launches new mortgage loan scheme for traders - SBI launches SBI ca rd in Madurai - SBI inaugurates RBO in Thrissur - SBI signed a memorandum of understanding with Small Industries Development Bank of India for co-financing small and medium enterprises in Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Uttar Pradesh, Jammu Kashmir, Jharkhand, Delhi and Bihar - State Bank of India and Crisil have signed a memorandum of understanding under which latter will assign ratings to small-scale industries that are borrowers of SBI - NSIC join hands with SBI to offer credit to SSI - SBI teams up with Nihilent to unveil feedback system - Bhatt to become SBIs new MD - State Bank of India (SBI) has informed that Shri. Yogesh Agarwal has been appointed as Managing Director on the Board of the Bank with effect from October 10, 2006 to the June 30, 2010 - State Bank of India (SBI) has appointed Shri. S K Bhattacharya as Managing Director on the Board of the Bank with effect from October 08, 2007 to the October 31, 2010, as per the Notification dated October 08, 2007, by the Government of India. - The State Bank of India (SBI) has become the first foreign bank to set up a branch in the Israels diamond exchange. Besides diamonds, they also see huge potential in telecommunications, hi-tech, chemicals, textiles, agriculture and water management, food processing, pharma and health care. - State Bank of India (SBI) has informed that the Government of India in pursuance of clause (e) of Section 19 of the State Bank of India Act, 1955 (23 of 1955) has nominated Shri. Arun Ramanathan, Secretary, Ministry of Finance, Department of Financial Services, New Delhi as a Director on the Central Board of State Bank of India with effect from January 18, 2008, vice Shri. Vinod Rai. - State Bank of India (SBI) has informed that the Central Government, in consultation with the Reserve Bank of India and in pursuance of clause (d) of Section 19 of the State Bank of India Act, 1955 (23 of 1955), has nominated Dr. (Mrs.) Vasantha Bharucha as a part-time non-official Director on the Central Board of State Bank of India for a period of three years with effect from February 25, 2008, vice Shri Piyush Goel. - State Bank of India (SBI) has informed that the Central Government, in consultation with the Reserve Bank of India and in pursuance of clause (d) of Section 19 of the State Bank of India Act, 1955 (23 of 1955), has nominated Dr. Rajiv Kumar as part-time non-official director on the Central Board of Directors of State Bank of India for a period of three years with effect from September 08, 2008 or until further orders, whichever is earlier. - State Bank of India (SBI) has signed a Joint Venture Agreement with Insurance Australia Group to form a Joint Venture Company which will be engaged in General Insurance business in India. - State Bank of India has rolled out a micro insurance scheme Grameen Shakti, for its Self Help Group (SHG) members. The product was launched on Nov 26 at the Tamil Nadu Agricultural University. The bank is hopeful to cover at least five lakh SHG members by December 31. - The company has issued rights in the ratio of 1:5 at a premium of Rs.1580/- Per Share. - State Bank of India Issues Rights in the Ratio of 1:5 - State Bank of India yesterday slashed its benchmark lending rate by half a percentage point to 11.75 per cent. The Benchmark Prime Lending Rate (BPLR) was revised down by 50 basis points with effect from June 29, SBI informed the Bombay Stock Exchange. This move would benefit home, car and corporate loan customers - State Bank of India on June 30 launched two new home loan products called as SBI Easy Home Loan and SBI Advantage Home Loan, with zero processing fees for both waived off till September 30. While SBI Easy Home is for loans amount up to Rs 30-lakh while the SBI Advantage Home is for loans above Rs 30-lakh, a press release issued here said. - State Bank of India, entered into an agreement with the government of Gujarat to create a fund of Rs 5,000 crore for investing in equity of infrastructure projects. - State Bank of India, with a debit card base of over 70 million, comprising SBI Cash Plus, SBI Gold Debit Card and SBI Yuva Card, has added chip and PIN-based Platinum Debit Card to its bouquet on March 26. - Mr Arun Kumar Agarwal has taken over charge as General Manager at State Bank of India, Kerala Circle. Until now, he has been General Manager at the Lucknow Circle of the bank. Mr Agarwal is Certified Associate of Indian Institute of Bankers and joined State Bank of India as a Probationary Officer in 1977. An expert in credit and foreign exchange, he has held several assignments ranging from Branch Manager to Regional Manager in the Patna and Delhi circles. He also served in the banks foreign department at Kolkata handling investment of the FCNB portfolio, derivatives and correspondent relations. He has headed the Pune Module of the bank and has also served as the Deputy General Manager and Business Head for Network-1 of the Mumbai Circle. - State Bank of India (SBI) has signed a pact with Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) to work as a registrar for the UID registration of residents. It has become the first bank to take up registration work for the UIDAI project. As a registrar, SBI will capture through empanelled enrolment agencies, the biometric characters such as finger prints, iris and so on and send the information to UIDAI. - Stata Bank of India (SBI) has come up with an exclusive branch in Hyderabad, for their ultra high networth individual (HNIs) which is by far is first of its kind in the country. - State Bank of India acquired State Bank of Indore. - SBI - Joint Venture agreement with State General Reserve Fund (SGRF), Sultanate of Oman - State Bank of India has consortium of Elavon Incorporation, USA and Visa International, USA as its Joint Venture (JV) Partner for Merchant Acquiring Business. - State Bank of India launched a special concessional banking scheme for the Air Force personnel. - State Bank of India (SBI) has signed an agreement with Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) in order to work as a registrar for the UID registration of residents. - State Bank of India, with a debit card base of over 70 million, comprising SBI Cash Plus, SBI Gold Debit Card and SBI Yuva Card, has added chip and PIN-based Platinum Debit Card to its bouquet on March 26. - Witnessed a joint venture between the nations largest lender, State Bank of India and the telecom lead, Bharti Airtel with an aim to provide the banking services amongst the unbanked population of the country. - SBI - Acquisition of SBICI Bank - State Bank of India shifted from Varma Chambers, Fort, Mumbai to the following address with effect from September 28, 2011.Shares Bonds Dept. State Bank of India, Corporate Centre,8th Floor, State Bank Bhavan, Madam Cama Road, Mumbai - 400 021Telephone nos. 022-22740841-48 (eight lines) Fax number(s): 022-22855348. - P Choudhary has been appointed as the new chairman of State Bank of India after getting clearance from the government. - Experian Credit Information Company of India Private Limited, the first CICRA licensed credit bureau in India on September 23, 2011 said it has signed a membership agreement with State Bank of India (SBI), the largest consumer lender in India to contribute data to Experianrsquos credit bureau and enhance the effectiveness of companys range of products and services. - State Bank of India signed a Preliminary Non-Binding Memorandum of Understanding with Russian Direct Investment Fund (RDIF), to facilitate advancing bilateral economic cooperation and trade between Russia and India aimed at exploring investment opportunities in both the countries. - Indias largest public sector lender, State Bank of India (SBI) has entered into an agreement with StarAgri Warehousing Ltd (StarAgri), Indias leading agri-services solutions provider, for Warehousing Receipt Financing and Collateral Management Services. - SBI launched virtual debit cards to check online fraud and promote ecommerce - SBI, ICICI Bank leading m-banking revolution in India. With the advent of smartphones and 3G services, the Mobile Banking (m-Banking) services have been fast catching up with Indian customers for conducting balance inquiries, account transactions, utility payments, and other banking activities using a mobile handset - Indias largest lender State Bank of India (SBI) has been planning to cut the processing and conversion fee for home loans to leverage the approaching festival season when Indians usually spur buying as businesses offer healthy discounts. - Indias leading Public Sector lender the State Bank of India (SBI) is stepping up efforts to expand its presence in the worlds second biggest economy with the lender set to launch its second branch in China. - SBI Issue of 5 year Bonds - SBI inaugurates 2nd branch in Tianjin and China - SBI to launch 100 branches in AP - SBI introduces smart pre-paid card for students, blue collar workers - AMW Motors collaborates with SBI to finance sale of vehicles - SBI launches 10 branches in Raebareli 2014 - SBI announces 150 interim dividend - State Bank of In-dia launches new digital Online and self-service banking solutions with support from Accenture - State Bank of India unveils 6 digital branches - SBI launches Tech Learning Centres (TLCs) for customers - State Bank of India has splits its face value from Rs 10/- to 1/- 2015 - State Bank of India has launched a RuPay Platinum debit card in association with National Payment Corporation of India (NPCI) - SBI builds foundation for group CSR activities - SBI introduces online facility for overdraft against FDs - SBI partners with Amazon - SBI entered into a MoU with PayPal, an American online money transfer services provider firm, for facilitating cross-border tran sactions - State Bank of India said it has launched SBI eforex - SBI launched an initiative to provide doorstep services and expedite home loans application process - State Bank of India jointly launched a cyber crime awareness campaign Quick LinksBank of Baroda forex scam: Slum dwellers made company directors New Delhi: Slum dwellers in Delhi were made pseudo entrepreneurs in the illicit money remittance case involving public lender Bank of Baroda, a daily newspaper has said. As per a report in the Times of India, vegetable sellers, rikshaw pullers and even domestic maids were approached to become proxy company directors in the money transfer case. It is alleged that Rs 6,172 crore black money was remitted from Bank of Baroda to Hong Kong camouflaged as payments for non-existent imports like cashew, pulses and rice. It is also alleged that amount was deposited in 59 accounts of the banks Ashok Vihar branch (New Delhi) in cash as advance for import and the money was sent to some selected companies in Hong Kong. The branch opened 59 current accounts during the period May 2014 to June, 2016 through which large foreign exchange remittance were done. The TOI report said that drivers, vendors etc were asked to just provide their voter ID cards, PAN cards for which they were offered Rs 10-15,000 per month. On the basis those documents current accounts were opened in the BoB branch in the name of fake companies, the paper further said. Both the Central Bureau of Investigation and Enforcement Directorate are probing transactions. Global Presence Bank of America N. A. (Bank of America) is incorporated in the USA, and operates through its branches in India. It commenced operations in India through its Mumbai branch in 1964. Bank of America offers a comprehensive suite of financial products and solutions to top Indian Corporates, Multinationals, Multilateral agencies amp Foreign Government entities and Financial Institutions. The bank has its India headquarters in Mumbai, with four branch offices across Mumbai, New Delhi, Chennai, and Bengaluru. With an India presence for over five decades, Bank of America is committed to its clients in India and has a well established track record and market expertise in Indian financial markets. The bank has carved a niche for itself as a leading global financial firm, one which delivers insightful solutions to clients combined with an extended global reach and a strong emphasis on building long term relationships. The banks India-based coverage specialists and product professionals work together to leverage Bank of Americas global strength to meet clients comprehensive needs including working capital needs, treasury management, trade finance amp solutions, capital raising, risk management, forex and fixed income. The global merger of Merrill Lynch with a subsidiary of Bank of America Corporation additionally brings to our clients an enhanced product suite of services through DSP Merrill Lynch, a pre-eminent investment banking and securities firm. The group brings a unique blend of global reach and local expertise sharing over 100 years of combined India experience. DSP Merrill Lynch is an affiliate of Merrill Lynch amp Co. a subsidiary of Bank of America Corporation. 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Securities, strategic advisory, and other investment banking activities are performed globally by investment banking affiliates of Bank of America Corporation (Investment Banking Affiliates), including, in the United States, Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner amp Smith Incorporated and Merrill Lynch Professional Clearing Corp. both of which are registered as broker-dealers and Members of SIPC. and, in other jurisdictions, by locally registered entities. Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner amp Smith Incorporated and Merrill Lynch Professional Clearing Corp. are registered as futures commission merchants with the CFTC and are members of the NFA. Investment products offered by Investment Banking Affiliates: Are Not FDIC Insured May Lose Value Are Not Bank Guaranteed. copy 2016 Bank of America Corporation. Disclaimer for Australia: Bank of America Merrill Lynch is the marketing name for the global banking and global markets businesses of Bank of America Corporation (BAC). Lending and other commercial banking activities are performed globally by banking affiliates of BAC and in Australia by Bank of America, N. A. Australian Branch (BANA Australia). Securities, corporate advisory and capital markets services are performed in Australia by Merrill Lynch Markets (Australia) Pty. Limited, Merrill Lynch (Australia) Futures Limited, Merrill Lynch Equities (Australia) Limited and their related bodies corporate (together BofAML) which hold, or are exempt from the requirement to hold, an Australian Financial Services Licence. Apart from BANA Australia, none of the other BofAML entities including BAC are Authorised Deposit-taking Institutions authorised under the Banking Act 1959 of Australia nor regulated by the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority. The obligations of BofAML entities (other than BANA Australia) do not represent deposits or other liabilities of BANA Australia and are not guaranteed by BANA Australia. copy2016 Bank of America Corporation. Published in Australia by BANA Australia. Disclaimer for India: Bank of America N. A. and DSP Merrill Lynch Limited are subsidiaries of Bank of America Corporation operating in India. Bank of America N. A. Bank of America provides the following banking products in India: working capital and term loans, structured finance, export finance, global cash management, trade products, foreign exchange services and currency solutions. DSP Merrill Lynch Limited: DSP Merrill Lynch provides the following services in India: Research, Equity Sales Trading, Futures Options, Electronic Trading, Equity Capital Markets, Debt Capital Markets and MA. SEBI Regn Nos. Research Analyst: INH000000503, Stock Broking: INB/INF 011348134, INB/INF 231348138, Merchant Banker: INM000011625, Depository Participant: IN-DP-NSDL-223-2001. Registered Office: DSP Merrill Lynch Limited, Ground Floor, A-Wing, One BKC, G Block, Bandra Kurla Complex, Bandra (East), Mumbai 400 051, India. Tel. (91-22) 6632 8000. For specific investor grievances, if any, email IDs are brokingindiaml. dpindiaml. dg. indiamerchantbankingbaml. Compliance officer - Jinendra Shah, Email: jinendra. shahbaml. Tel No. 91 22 6632 8000 Lending, derivatives, and other commercial banking activities are performed globally by banking affiliates of Bank of America Corporation, including Bank of America, N. A. member FDIC. Securities, strategic advisory, and other investment banking activities are performed globally by investment banking affiliates of Bank of America Corporation (Investment Banking Affiliates), including, in the United States, Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner Smith Incorporated, which is a registered broker-dealer and member of SIPC. and in other jurisdictions, locally registered entities. Investment products offered by Investment Banking Affiliates: Are Not FDIC Insured. May Lose Value. Are Not Bank Guaranteed. copy 2016 Bank of America Corporation. Disclaimer for Brazil: Bank of America Merrill Lynch is the marketing name for the global banking and global markets businesses of Bank of America Corporation. Lending, derivatives and other commercial banking activities are performed globally by banking affiliates of Bank of America Corporation, including Bank of America, N. A. member FDIC. Securities, strategic advisory, and other investment banking activities are performed globally by investment banking affiliates of Bank of America Corporation (Investment Banking Affiliates), including, in the United States, Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner Smith Incorporated and Merrill Lynch Professional Clearing Corp. both of which are registered as broker-dealers and members of SIPC. and, in other jurisdictions, by locally registered entities. Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner Smith Incorporated and Merrill Lynch Professional Clearing Corp. are registered as futures commission merchants with the CFTC and are members of the NFA. Ouvidoria Bank of America Merrill Lynch 1 DDG: 0800 886 2000 email: ouvidoriabamlbrasilbaml 1 Bank of America Merrill Lynch Banco Muacuteltiplo S. A. e Merrill Lynch S. A. Corretora de Tiacutetulos e Valores Mobiliaacuterios Investment products offered by Investment Banking Affiliates: Are Not FDIC Insured May Lose Value Are Not Bank Guaranteed. copy 2016 Bank of America Corporation. Disclaimer for Latin America: Bank of America Merrill Lynch is the marketing name for the global banking and global markets businesses of Bank of America Corporation. Lending, derivatives and other commercial banking activities are performed globally by banking affiliates of Bank of America Corporation, including Bank of America, N. A. member FDIC. Securities, strategic advisory, and other investment banking activities are performed globally by investment banking affiliates of Bank of America Corporation (Investment Banking Affiliates), including, in the United States, Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner Smith Incorporated and Merrill Lynch Professional Clearing Corp. both of which are registered as broker-dealers and members of SIPC. and, in other jurisdictions, by locally registered entities. Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner Smith Incorporated and Merrill Lynch Professional Clearing Corp. are registered as futures commission merchants with the CFTC and are members of the NFA. Bank of America Corporation and its affiliates do not perform in any jurisdiction banking activities that are reserved by local law to licensed banks, except in those jurisdictions where its banking affiliates have procured the necessary licenses. Some or all of the products may not be available in certain jurisdictions and are subject to change without notice. This document and its content are for information purposes and shall not be interpreted as banking or financial intermediation, business solicitation and/or public offering of any kind. Bank of America Meacutexico, S. A. Institucioacuten de Banca Muacuteltiple is a banking affiliate in Mexico of Bank of America Corporation. Bank of America N. A. Oficina de Representacion (Colombia), is a representative office in Colombia of Bank of America N. A. supervised by the Superintendencia Financiera de Colombia and authorized to promote in Colombia select products and services that Bank of America N. A. provides outside of Colombia. Neither Bank of America, N. A. nor its Representative Office in Colombia, is authorized to carry out in Colombia any activities that are reserved by Colombian law to locally licensed banks. Bank of America N. A. Oficina de Representacion (Peru), is a representative office in Peru of Bank of America N. A. supervised by the Superintendencia de Banca, Seguros y Administradoras Privadas de Fondos de Pensiones and authorized to promote in Peru select products and services that Bank of America N. A. provides outside of Peru. Neither Bank of America, N. A. nor its Representative Office in Peru, is authorized to carry out in Peru any activities that are reserved by Peruvian law to locally licensed banks. Bank of America N. A. Oficina de Representacion (Chile), is a representative office in Chile of Bank of America N. A. supervised by the Superintendencia de Bancos e Instituciones Financieras and authorized to promote in Chile select products and services that Bank of America N. A. provides outside of Chile. Neither Bank of America, N. A. nor its Representative Office in Chile, is authorized to carry out in Chile any activities that are reserved by Chilean law to locally licensed banks. Bank of America Corporation does not have banking affiliates, branches or bank representative offices in any other jurisdiction in Latin America. Securities, strategic advisory, and other investment banking activities are performed globally by investment banking affiliates of Bank of America Corporation, including, in the United States, Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner Smith Incorporated and Merrill Lynch Professional Clearing Corp. which are registered as broker-dealers and members of FINRA and SIPC. and in other jurisdictions, by locally registered entities. Investment products offered by Investment Banking Affiliates: Are Not FDIC Insured May Lose Value Are Not Bank Guaranteed. copy 2016 Bank of America Corporation. Terms and Conditions TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR BANK OF AMERICA CORPORATION WEBSITES These Terms and Conditions (Terms and Conditions) are for the Bank of America Corporation (Bank of America) website and those websites of its affiliates (collectively the Sites) including Bank of America, N. A. Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner Smith Incorporated, Bank of America Capital Management and certain other affiliates enumerated herein (collectively Affiliates) that are available through the Bank of America Sites and apply to all services, programs, information and products (collectively Service) that you (Client) may use or otherwise access from time to time through the Sites (Agreement). USE OF SITES Client agrees that any trade confirmation, account statement or other document delivered through the Sites by clicking on the designated spaces in or relating to such document shall be deemed to be in writing and to have been signed and delivered for all purposes by Client. Any record of such transaction or confirmation (including, without limitation, electronic records) shall be deemed to be in writing. Client further agrees that it shall not contest the legally binding nature, validity or enforceability of any transaction, document or confirmation based on the fact that it has been executed by clicking on the designated spaces and expressly waives any and all rights it may have to assert such claim. Bank of America hereby grants to Client a worldwide, non-exclusive, non-sublicensable, non-transferable, non-assignable, personal right and license to access and use the Sites solely for Clients internal use in accordance with the terms of this Agreement. Client accepts the right and license granted herein to access and use the Sites solely in accordance with this Agreement and any rules or restrictions or procedures published by Bank of America on the Sites from time to time. Client acknowledges and agrees that the Sites, and all intellectual property and proprietary rights therein and thereto, anywhere worldwide, including such rights in copyrights, trademarks, service marks, trade dress, patents, patent applications and trade secrets and other proprietary and/or confidential information (collectively, IP), are the valuable property of Bank of America and/or its affiliates and licensors. Other than the license granted hereunder, Client obtains no rights to the Sites. Client may not access or use the Sites in any way that may infringe any IP right of Bank of America or its Affiliates or licensors. Client promptly shall notify Bank of America of any actual or threatened infringement or misappropriation of IP, or any portion thereof, of which it becomes aware. Client acknowledges and agrees that it will not use, or allow the use of the Sites in contravention of, and will comply with, any applicable laws, rules, regulations or interpretations (collectively, Applicable Law). 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Client agrees to provide Bank of America with all information, cooperation and assistance, documents and data as shall reasonably be requested by Bank of America in order to enable Bank of America to comply with any and all Applicable Law. Client understands and agrees that Bank of America may report such information to regulatory authorities to the extent necessary, in its reasonable discretion, to comply with Applicable Law. Bank of America shall assign to each Authorized Person a unique User ID (User ID) and a corresponding password and/or other access codes (each, an Access Code) to enable Authorized Persons to access and use such functions within the Sites as Client shall authorize. Client shall (i) maintain, (ii) take appropriate steps to ensure that its officers and employees maintain, and (iii) inform all Authorized Persons of Clients obligation to maintain, the confidentiality of User IDs and Access Codes and the security of the Sites. Client shall not permit any person other than an Authorized Person to access or use the Sites on its behalf or to use any User ID or Access Code and shall educate and familiarize those Authorized Persons who access and/or use the Sites with Clients obligations under this Agreement. Client acknowledges and agrees that Client and/or its Authorized Persons may access the Sites through the World Wide Web or other Internet service which is not necessarily secure, and Bank of America does not warrant that such system is secure. Client agrees to be bound by all communications (and the consequences thereof) placed on, executed through or facilitated by the Sites that are accompanied by a valid User ID and a valid Access Code assigned to Client or an Authorized Person. Upon becoming aware of, or if Client suspects, a technical failure or any improper access to or use of the Sites or Access Codes by any Authorized Person or other person, Client shall promptly notify Bank of America of such occurrence, and shall, as promptly as practicable, to the extent any improper access or use is by an Authorized Person, take immediate actions to terminate such Authorized Persons access to and use of the Sites. Bank of America reserves the right to limit or terminate Clientrsquos or any Authorized Personrsquos access to and use of the Sites immediately and without notice. Unless specifically identified as an offer to sell or a solicitation of any offer to buy, under no circumstances should any information on the Sites be used as or considered to be an offer to sell or a solicitation of any offer to buy the securities or any other instruments of Bank of America or any other issuer. Offers can only be made where lawful under applicable law. Any information, services, or securities offered via the Sites are intended to be available only to residents of Argentina, Brazil, Canada, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Ireland, Japan, Italy, Korea, the Netherlands, Singapore, the United States and the United Kingdom. The viewing or distribution of the Sites may be restricted by law in certain jurisdictions. Persons using the Sites are required to inform themselves about and observe any legal restrictions on the use of the Sites and any restrictions set forth in the Sites. The Sites do not constitute an offer of, or a solicitation to purchase any securities in any jurisdiction in which such offer or invitation would be unlawful. If you wish to obtain further details about any information contained through the Sites, there are several areas on the Sites that will provide you with contact information. DISCLOSURE OF INTEREST Affiliates of Bank of America may make a market or deal as principal in the securities mentioned in these Sites or in options based thereon. In addition, Bank of America or its Affiliates, their shareholders, directors, officers and/or employees, may from time to time have long or short positions in such securities or in options, futures or other derivative instruments based thereon. One or more directors, officers and/or employees of Bank of America or its Affiliates may be a director of the issuer of the securities mentioned at these Sites. Bank of America or its Affiliates may have managed or co-managed a public offering of, or acted as initial purchaser or placement agent for a private placement of, any of the securities of any issuer mentioned on the Sites, or may from time to time perform consulting, advisory, lease, loan solicitation, investment banking or other services for, or solicit investment banking or other business from, mentioned companies. ACCOUNT INFORMATION Certain information from Clientrsquos account(s) at Bank of America or its Affiliates is accessible on the Sites and can be downloaded by Client (Account Information). While Bank of America and its Affiliates believe that this Account Information will be accurate at the time of access and/or downloading by Client, this information may have certain technical flaws, typographical errors or other inaccuracies. Additionally, the Account Information is subject to immediate change resulting from market conditions, price fluctuations and other related factors. Bank of America and its Affiliates expressly disclaim any responsibility or liability for the accuracy or use of such Account Information upon its being downloaded by Client and will not be liable for any difficulty, damage or inaccessibility of such information due to hardware or software incompatibility. PRICING AND MARKET INFORMATION Actual prices can be obtained only on a real-time, expressly agreed-upon basis. Any indicative valuations on the Sites are provided for information only. They are not an offer to enter into, transfer and assign or terminate any transaction, or a commitment by Bank of America or its Affiliates to make such an offer. An indicative valuation may differ substantially from an actual value. Such estimates do not necessarily reflect Bank of Americarsquos or its Affiliatesrsquo internal bookkeeping or theoretical model-based valuations. Certain factors, which may not have been assessed for purposes of these valuations, including, for example, notional amounts, credit spreads, underlying volatility, costs of carry or use of capital and profit, may substantially affect a stated valuation. Indicative valuations may vary significantly from indicative valuations available from other sources. While Bank of America and its Affiliates have obtained the information on which these evaluations are based from sources they believe are reliable, Bank of America and its Affiliates make no representations or warranties with respect to any indicative valuations. Prior to the execution of a Transaction based upon the Content of these Sites, Client is advised to consult with its broker or other financial representative to verify pricing information. HYPOTHETICAL OR PAST PERFORMANCE Hypothetical or simulated performance results have inherent limitations. Ao contrário de um registro de desempenho real, os resultados simulados não representam negociações reais. Also, since the trades have not actually been executed, the results may have under or over-compensated for the impact, if any, of certain market factors, such as lack of liquidity. Programas de negociação simulados em geral são projetados com o benefício da retrospectiva. Past performance is not indicative of future results no representation is being made that any account will or is likely to achieve profits or losses similar to those shown. MATERIAL IN ITS ENTIRETY All materials at these Sites are meant to be reviewed in their entirety, including any footnotes, legal disclaimers, restrictions or disclosures, or any copyright or proprietary notices. Any disclaimers, restrictions, disclosure or hedge clauses apply to any partial document or material in the same manner as they do to the whole, and will be deemed incorporated in the portion of any material or document that you consult or download. LINKED SITES Certain hyperlinks on the Sites may link websites maintained by the Affiliates, which are not to be considered a part of the Sites. Certain other links on the Sites to non-affiliated third-party sites may contain information over which we have no control. We take no responsibility for the content, accuracy, content, completeness, timeliness, current value or any aspect of the information on these sites and disclaim any liability to Client for it or for any consequence of your decision to use the links provided or your use of such information. Links to nonBank of America sites do not imply any endorsement of or responsibility for the opinions, ideas, products, information or services offered at such sites, or any representation regarding the content at such sites. We also disclaim all liability and make no representations or warranties for any products or services sold or provided to Bank of America or its Affiliates by any third party. Your purchase of products or services through one of those other sites is subject to agreements and/or the terms and conditions in effect between Client and the providers of products and services at those other sites. 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Your eligibility for particular products and services is subject to final determination and acceptance by Bank of America or its Affiliates. CONSENT TO ELECTRONIC DELIVERY You agree to receive certain documents and information provided by Bank of America and its Affiliates through the Sites and/or through email provided to you via the Sites. This delivery will generally consist of certain Content on the Sites, and certain other documents relating to Bank of America and its Affiliatersquos business. This electronic provision and delivery will be regarded by you as appropriate delivery pursuant to any delivery requirements under the various statutes and rules, where applicable, of the Securities and Exchange Commission, the National Association of Securities Dealers and any state or other jurisdiction. You acknowledge that you have the appropriate technological equipment to use the Sites and to receive email via the Internet and understand that your use of the Internet may incur certain operational costs such as monthly fees for a service provider. You agree to notify Bank of America or the applicable Affiliate in the event that you no longer desire to receive content through this delivery procedure and will allow a reasonable amount of time to permit proper delivery to you through other means. NO WARRANTY Client acknowledges that any information provided through the Sites is not intended to be a recommendation, offer or solicitation of any particular products or services. In addition, all research, analysis and similar market information from non-affiliated third parties provided represent the views and opinions solely of the author or the indicated source. Bank of America and its Affiliates do not independently verify the accuracy or completeness of such information, nor does Bank of America and its Affiliates endorse any particular views expressed therein. Except for offering memoranda, Bank of America and its Affiliates disclaim any liability to Client for this information or for any consequence of your decision to use it. Client agrees that it shall independently confirm any such information presented through the Sites before relying on such information. Bank of America, its Affiliates and their respective employees, contractors, agents and various contributors to the Sites have no duty to correct or update any inaccurate or out-of-date information on the Sites. 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By using the Sites, Users undertake not to transfer, directly or indirectly, any financial instrument acquired through the Sites to the public in France, other than in compliance with applicable laws and regulation. Services hereunder may be provided by Banc of America Securities, Limited, as agent or otherwise. FOR RESIDENTS OF GERMANY: The Sites are made available only to professional investors as such term is defined in the Securities Sales Prospectus Act. FOR RESIDENTS OF HONG KONG: Access to the Sites is by invitation only to institutional investors. No information or material contained in the Sites is or should be construed as amounting to an offer to enter into any transaction or investment whatsoever. The information on these Sites is provided by the Hong Kong branch of Bank of America, N. A. and is compiled from information prepared by subsidiaries and affiliates of Bank of America Corporation. Your agreement for the use of this Site is with the Hong Kong branch of Bank of America, N. A. FOR RESIDENTS OF IRELAND: Access to the Sites is by invitation only to professional investors. FOR RESIDENTS OF ITALY: Access to the Sites is by invitation only to professional investors as defined in article 31 of CONSOB regulation no. 11522 of July 1, 1998. FOR RESIDENTS OF JAPAN: Access to the Sites is by invitation only to financial institutions as defined under the Law Concerning Foreign Securities Firms. FOR RESIDENTS OF KOREA: Access to the Sites is by invitation only to professional investors with a valid password. The information contained here does not constitute a public offering or distribution of securities in Korea. FOR RESIDENTS OF NETHERLANDS: Access to the Sites is by invitation only to professional market parties as defined in the Dutch Securities Transactions Supervision Act 1995. Securities or other instruments on these Sites are only offered to professional market parties. FOR RESIDENTS OF SINGAPORE: Access to the Sites is by invitation only to institutional investors. The information contained here does not constitute a public offering or distribution of securities in Singapore. The information in these Sites is provided by Bank of America Singapore Limited and is compiled from information prepared by subsidiaries and affiliates of Bank of America Corporation. Your agreement for the use of these Sites is with Bank of America Singapore Limited. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY THE FOLLOWING LIMITATIONS OF LIABILITY IN THIS SECTION SHALL NOT APPLY TO VIOLATIONS OF LAWS RELATING TO THE OFFER AND SALE OF SECURITIES. YOU ACKNOWLEDGE THAT NEITHER Bank of America, ITS AFFILIATES NOR THEIR OFFICERS, DIRECTORS, EMPLOYEES, AGENTS, CONTRACTORS OR OTHER SUPPLIERS MAKES ANY WARRANTIES OR GUARANTEES WITH RESPECT TO THE SITES, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, WARRANTIES REGARDING THE ACCURACY OR COMPLETENESS OF ANY CONTENT, OR WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, NON-INFRINGEMENT OF INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY, TITLE OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Bank of America, ITS AFFILIATES AND SUCH PERSONS SHALL NOT BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR ANY LOSS, COST, DAMAGE OR OTHER INJURY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, TORT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE, ARISING OUT OF OR CAUSED IN WHOLE OR IN PART BY (I) CLIENTS USE OF OR RELIANCE ON THE SITES, OR (II) Bank of Americarsquos PERFORMANCE OF ITS OBLIGATIONS UNDER OR IN CONNECTION WITH THESE TERMS AND CONDITIONS. Bank of America DOES NOT REPRESENT, WARRANT OR GUARANTEE THAT THE SITES WILL BE FREE FROM ERRORS OR WILL BE AVAILABLE. FURTHERMORE, Bank of America WILL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY DELAY, DIFFICULTY IN USE, INACCURACY OF INFORMATION, COMPUTER VIRUSES, MALICIOUS CODE OR OTHER DEFECT IN THE SITES, OR FOR THE INCOMPATIBILITY BETWEEN THE SITES AND FILES AND THE USERS BROWSER OR OTHER SITES ACCESSING PROGRAM. NOR WILL Bank of America BE LIABLE FOR ANY OTHER PROBLEMS EXPERIENCED BY THE USER DUE TO CAUSES BEYOND THE Bank of Americarsquos CONTROL. IN NO EVENT WILL Bank of America, ITS OFFICERS, DIRECTORS, EMPLOYEES, AGENTS, CONTRACTORS OR OTHER SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE TO YOU OR ANY THIRD PARTY FOR ANY PUNITIVE, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, SPECIAL OR SIMILAR DAMAGES, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. Because some states or jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion or limitation of liability for certain damages, in such states or jurisdictions, the liability of the Bank of America, its officers, directors, employees, agents, contractors or other suppliers shall be limited in accordance with this agreement to the extent permitted by law. Neither Bank of America, its Affiliates nor any of their officers, directors, employees, agents, contractors or other suppliers shall be liable in any way, and you agree to indemnify and hold harmless Bank of America, its Affiliates and such persons for (1) any inaccuracy, error, or delay in, or omission of (a) any information on the Sites, or (b) the transmission or delivery of any information on the Sites (2) any loss or damage arising from or occasioned by (a) any such inaccuracy, error, delay, or omission, (b) non-performance, (c) interruption of use of the Sites due either to any negligent act or omission by Bank of America, its Affiliates, their officers, directors, employees, agents, contractors or other suppliers or to any force majeure (i. e. flood, extraordinary weather conditions, earthquake, or other act of God, fire, war, insurrection, riot, labor dispute, accident, action of government, communications, power failure, or equipment or software malfunction) or any other cause beyond the control of the Bank of America, its Affiliates, their officers, directors, employees, agents, contractors or other suppliers. You understand that Bank of America accepts no responsibility for security of information on the Internet. UK CONDITIONS Banc of America Securities Limited has approved the Sites for the purpose of Section 57 of the Financial Services Act of 1986. Banc of America Securities Limited is regulated for the conduct of investment business in the United Kingdom by the Securities and Futures Authority Limited. No access to the Sites shall be given in the United Kingdom to Private Customers, as that term is defined under the rules of The Securities and Futures Authority Limited and any investments will not be made by us to any Private Customer. CHANGES TO AGREEMENT Bank of America may make changes to this Agreement at any time, without prior notice to you. Your continued use of the Sites indicates your continued agreement to be bound by this Agreement, as changed from time to time. You should view these Terms and Conditions often to stay informed of changes that may affect you. GOVERNING LAW This Agreement shall be governed by and construed under the law of the State of New York and the Federal law of the United States. You hereby consent and submit to jurisdiction in the Federal or state courts of the State of New York, U. S.A. You hereby irrevocably waive your rights to a jury trial. THIRD-PARTY LICENSORS The Sites may, from time to time, provide Client with various licensed programs (Licensed Programs) from third-party vendors (Vendors) which have been licensed by Bank of America for Client use and/or which require Client to sign a third-party license agreement (License Agreement). In using the Licensed Programs, Client agrees that it will protect any confidential information of Bank of America, its Affiliates or Vendors contained in the Licensed Programs restrict the use of the Licensed Programs by Client solely to conditions agreed upon in the Agreement and the License Agreement restrict the copying of Licensed Programs to that number reasonably required for Client use and backup purposes include Bank of America and Vendor copyright and all other proprietary notices in the use of all Licensed Programs prohibit the sale, relicensing, leasing, rental, lending and transferring of Licensed Programs prohibit, and take reasonable measures to prevent, the decompiling, disassembly, reverse engineering or modification of Licensed Programs comply with all export laws in respect of Licensed programs disclaim any liability on the part of Vendors for damages, liabilities, costs or expenses incurred by Client in the use of License Programs and make all vendors a third-party beneficiary of all Client waivers, disclaimers, limitation of liabilities, confidentiality and IP provisions contained in the Agreement. MERRILL LYNCH, PIERCE, FENNER SMITH ndash FURTHER INFORMATION Bank of America Merrill Lynch is the marketing name for the global banking and global markets businesses of Bank of America Corporation. Lending, derivatives and other commercial banking activities are performed globally by banking affiliates of Bank of America Corporation, including Bank of America, N. A. member FDIC. Securities, strategic advisory, and other investment banking activities are performed globally by investment banking affiliates of Bank of America Corporation (Investment Banking Affiliates), including, in the United States, Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner Smith Incorporated and Merrill Lynch Professional Clearing Corp. both of which are registered as broker-dealers and members of FINRA and SIPC, and, in other jurisdictions, by locally registered entities. Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner Smith Incorporated and Merrill Lynch Professional Clearing Corp are registered as futures commission merchants with the CFTC and are members of the NFA. Investment products offered by Investment Banking Affiliates: Are Not FDIC Insured bull May Lose Value bull Are Not Bank Guaranteed. copy 2016 Bank of America Corporation


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